The COVID-19 and the events industry


The health emergency that has arisen due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 has triggered alerts worldwide. And the event and exhibition industry is not foreign to this situation.

The current landscape

One of the major events that have been canceled is the Mobile World Congress (MWC), which was going to take place in Barcelona, Spain.

The Cisco Live Melbourne and the Facebook Global Marketing Summit were canceled as well.

But the scene is not so discouraging; some events continue as scheduled like the RSA Conference in San Francisco and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon.

Others have resorted to technology to continue promoting their products by having their exhibitions online. However, professionals of the events industry have started to take the measures suggested by health authorities to be able to continue with the development of the events.

What measures are being taken?

For the organizers:

· Use of electrostatic disinfecting machines and fever screen.

· Sanitization of all surfaces regurlarly.

· Provide sanitation stations, wipes, and masks.

For the attendees:

· Cover coughs and sneezes with tissues and dispose of them in a bin and wash your hands immediately.

· Public or workers who are feeling ill should restrain from attending any event.

· People should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water several times a day.

· Maintain a no-handshake policy.

· Stand a minimum of 3 feet from other people.

As event organizers. designers and attendees, we are responsible for following these guidelines and taking care of ourselves to avoid the risk.

In Happy Projects, we are always aware of the latest global news and needs of the field, so we can offer you the best and safest options for your event.

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